Monson Cemeteries
Monson has three cemeteries - the oldest cemetery in Monson is Church Cemetery which dates to 1824, just two years after Monson was incorporated as a town. This cemetery is located in the center of town by the Community Church. In the 200 years since, Hillside Cemetery and Lake Road Cemetery were created to accommodate the needs of Monson’s citizens. Hillside Cemetery is located on North Guilford Road and Lake Road Cemetery can be found on Route 15/Greenville Road just North of town.
Photo: J. Grenier
Cemetery Plot Purchase
The Lake Road Cemetery is the only cemetery in Monson with lots available for purchase. To purchase a lot, you will need to visit the Town Office to fill out the form “Purchasing a Cemetery Plot”. You can also download the form below. After selecting a lot from those available you, payment will be required. The purchase price depends on the size of the lot that you choose. Payment of the lot and perpetual fees will be required before a deed will be issued for the lot. This deed is filed with the Registry of Deeds in Piscataquis County. You can call the Monson Town Office with any questions at (207) 997-3641.
Photo: J. Grenier
Cemetery Use
The use of cemetery lots in Monson is regulated by the Cemetery Policy. This document describes the purchase process for a lot, any restrictions for use of the lot (decorations, plants, markers, headstone placement, etc), opening/closing of the gravesites and more. Please see the link below to read the Cemetery Policy. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy you may call the Town Office at (207) 997-3641.
Photo: J. Grenier