
You wouldn’t know Monson’s population by how active our community is. Join us in creating an even better place to live, work, and visit!

  • Traditional “Finn” and Contra Dances held May through September. Folk dance lessons given prior to Contra Dances. Potluck suppers for Club Members & their guests Memorial & Labor Day weekends.

    2025 Schedule

    May 24th - Memorial Day Weekend - Finn Dance

    June 7th - Benefit Dinner/Dance - Finn Dance

    June 21 - Contra Dance

    July 5th - Benefit Breakfast/Dance - Finn Dance (July 4th Weekend)

    July 19th - Summerfest Finn Dance

    July 26 - Contra Dance

    August 2nd - Finn Dance

    August 16 - Contra Dance

    August 30 - Labor Day Weekend - Finn Dance

    September 6th - Dancing Around the World- Instructor Michael Levinsky - Finn Dance

    September 20th - Contra Dance

    September 27th - Last Dance - Finn Dance

    To see the poster for 2025 Finn Hall dances see HERE

    Learn More!

  • Glenn S. Poole, President
    167 Johnson Mill Road
    Orrington, ME 04474
    Phone: (207)557-7769 or (207)825-3440


  • Local musicians playing traditional American folk music every Friday @6:30PM in the Monson Arts Center. Jam sessions are open to a listening audience.

  • Monson is an Affiliated Maine Downtown Center tied to the Main Street America program. Monson Collaborative is responsible for carrying out the Four Point Approach.


  • Chantal Harris, Director
    PO Box 67 Monson, ME 04464
    Tel: (207)997-2070

    Gallery is located at 8 Greenville Road

    Gallery hours:

    Wed-Fri 10am -3pm during the winter months

    Wed-Sun 10am-5pm May through October.


  • Robert & Roberta Jarvis, Facilitators
    Phone: (207)997-3244

    Meetings are held monthly on the first Tuesday @6:30 PM. Contact for location.

  • Annalee Korsman Libby, Chairperson
    Phone: (207)997-3268 or (207)827-4857

    The Kris Kringle Market is held each year on the first Saturday in December. This community event began over 25 years ago. Proceeds are used to purchase winter clothing & one fun item for local children in need at Christmas time.

  • News and activities are posted on Facebook. For those interested in activities, please search for Monson Recreation Department and request to join the group. The Committee meets every 1st Wednesday of the month in the Monson Gym. Contact us for the time.

  • The purpose of the Monson Beautification Committee is to maintain and enhance the visual appearance of the town through planned projects with volunteer involvement, making Monson a more beautiful community in which to live, work, and recreate.

  • The Festival Committee is in charge of coordinating and putting on the SummerFest, Snow Roller Day and other festivals we do throughout the year (4th of July, Harvest Festival). The Committee meets every 1st Wednesday of the month in the Monson Gym. Contact us for the time. Celebrate with us during our annual SummerFest in July and Snow Roller Day in February!

  • James Greenleaf, Commander
    William Ranta, Vice Commander
    Richard Wing, Adjutant
    Richard Hunt, Treasurer
    Robert Jarvis, Chaplain
    Carl Ponkala, Sergeant At Arms
    Phone: (207)997-3975

    American Legion Auxiliary Towne-Holmbom Post 116 — presently inactive.


    Ryan Goding, Executive Director | 207.739.9102

    Daryl E Witmer (local contact) | 207.997.2961

    Anchor New England

    Resource & Study Center

    2 Wilkins Street

    Monson, ME 04464

    Anchor New England

    Corporate Office

    PO Box 1132

    Farmington, Maine 04938

    Anchor New England’s mission is to create premium Christian worldview content and curriculum for the purpose of equipping, encouraging, and strengthening believers all over the world, in order that the gospel would be proclaimed, and the kingdom of God advanced. We invite you to visit our website (click above) today for more details!

    Monson Community Church

    Rev. William W. Wade, Pastor of Outreach & Spiritual Care

    Church - (207) 997-3760

    Parsonage - (207) 997-3761

    Daryl E. Witmer - Church Chairman

    PO Box 273

    (207) 997-2961

    19 Greenville Road

    Monson, ME 04464


    9:00 AM weekly, year-round

    Located right along Route 15,

    the main street through town.

    THE MONSON COMMUNITY CHURCH historically consists of the combined fellowships of the Congregational Church of Monson (organized 1821) and the Baptist Society of Monson (organized 1827). Combined services were conducted as early as 1933. In 1959, the two church buildings were actually joined together. Today the church is congregationally governed, theologically evangelical, and denominationally affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church of America. If you presently have no church home, we invite you to worship with us this Sunday!