Planning Board & Committees

  • James Pullen, Chair
    William Beeaker Timothy Bueschen
    Sandra Hardy Daina Markella Wayne Hardy, Alt

  • The Planning Board will meet the first Thursday of every other month at 5:30pm in the Coworking Space/Old Library


    October 17 December 12 (2nd Tuesday)


    January 9 (Solar Comm) (moved to Moore Building)

    January 23 (Solar Comm)

    Feb 7th (Solar Comm)

    February 20

    March 19 “Special Meeting”

    April 2 - CANCELED Add’l Solar Meeting

    April 16 - Solar Ordinance

    May 14 - 5:30pm at CoWorking Space

    June 18

    July 17 at 5:30 pm Special Meeting in Coworking Space - Solar Ordinance

    August 20 - 5:30pm in the CoWorking Space (moved to gym if capacity is an issue).

    September 5 - 6pm at the Moore Building 3 Tenney Hill Rd

    October 3rd

    October 17th - Emergency Planning Board Meeting at 5:30pm at the Town Office

    December 5th


    February 6th

    April 3rd

    June 5th

    August 7th

    October 2nd

    December 4th

  • John Wentworth (June 2028)
    David Bjork (June 2028)
    Ed Hoovler (June 2028)
    Cindy Ranta (2024)
    Joyce Copeland (2024)

  • Daina Markella, Chair

    Stacy Pullen, Secretary

    Kassie Jahn

    Bethany Koehler

    Molly Poole

    David Ray

  • Susan Chase, Select Board Liaison
    Sandra Hardy
    Colleen Pinkerton
    Robyn Rich
    Zark VanZandt Molly Poole Kim Witham

  • Cemetery Committee Members: Jade Grenier, Chair Cynthia “Cindy” Turner, Secretary Christ Later, Sexton Coralyn “Cori” Todd Glenn Poole Molly Poole Dawn MacPherson-Allen Richard Marshall