Transfer Station

Serving Monson, Blanchard and Elliotsville. Information and rates effective December 2022.

Hours of Operation
Wednesday 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday 8:00am - 3:00pm

Left off Chapin Avenue past Stanton Avenue

Jim Bohrer

Photo by Bill MacDonald

Yearly Permit Required

As of April 1, 2016, all users of the Town of Monson Transfer Station are required to have a Permit. This Permit expires April 1st of each year. All proceeds go directly to offset the costs of the Transfer Station. Permits are available for purchase at the Transfer Station or Town Office.

Annual permit fee: $10.00
After November 1st: $3.00

The Permit Sticker must be placed in plain view on vehicle entering transfer station. (Example: driver side lower windshield.)

Permit allows Free Access to the following in addition to solid waste disposal 

  • Wood burn pile

  • Universal waste collection

  • Metal dumpster

  • Waste oil

*Absolutely no tires accepted

Additional Information

  • Monson is a member of the Municipal Review Committee (MRC) who contracts with Fiberight to provide residents a single stream recycling option. Recycling should be left in with household trash as the facility has the capacity to sort once it arrives.

    ***Fiberight has recently shut down and are in the process finding another company to manage and operate the facility. At this time recycling items are still being left with household trash and an update will be provided as they become available. If he shutdown continues, other recycling options will be explored.

  • There is No Fee for the Burn Pile with a Permit.


    Only clean wood and clean demo are allowed. Nails are acceptable; all other metals must be separated.

    Heavily painted wood must be disposed of in demo container.

  • Serving Monson, Blanchard, Elliotsville, Abbot, WillimanticAbbot & Willimantic Residents: no permit required, access to universal waste only. All other waste must be taken to local transfer station.There is No Fee for Universal Waste Collection with a Permit except as indicated below.

    TV’s, computers, other electronic devices: $5.00 handling fee
    Lamps: No charge
    Batteries: No charge
    Ballasts: No charge
    Devices containing mercury: No charge

  • Please see Attendant if size is in question. Attendant has the ultimate right to assess fees regarding any waste.

    Up to 33 Gallon bag: $2.00 per bag
    Over 33 Gallon bag: $4.00 per bag

  • Please see attendant about which materials go into Demo Containers. Attendant has the ultimate right to assess fees regarding any waste. A higher fee may be assessed for heavy loads or items. NO FREE LOADS.

    Up to 33 Gallon bag: $2.00 per bag
    Over 33 Gallon bag: $4.00 per bag
    Pickup bed: $20/load
    Trailer attached: $.33 cents per square foot

  • Residents and taxpayers of Monson are allowed one five gallon container of salt/sand mix per snow event. This is a privilege, not a right. Abuse of this will not be tolerated and result in loss of access to sand shed.

  • TV/Computer… $5

  • Other Electronic Devices… $5

  • Mattress/Couch… $10

  • Large Chair… $5

  • Lamps… no fee

  • Batteries… no fee

  • Ballasts… no fee

  • Mercury Containing Devices… no fee

Universal Waste Fees